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The Intuitive Customer - Helping You Improve Your Customer Experience To Gain Growth

May 25, 2019

The Massive Importance of Memory in a Customer’s Experience

Customer loyalty is a function of customers’ memories. That is to say, customers don’t choose your experience over another; customers choose the memory of your experience over another. Therefore, we feel it is vital that you ensure your customers have an...

May 18, 2019

Creating a Frictionless Experience 

As a global customer experience consultant for nearly two decades, I have never heard a customer say, “Gee! I wish that buying process was just a little more complicated!”

Why? All customers want their experiences to be easy. When things aren’t easy in a given moment, we...

May 11, 2019

We don’t like uncertainty. It affects our lives in many ways, and especially as customers. Consider the fact that we buy insurance. We purchase peace of mind that we are covered if something unlikely (and terrible) happens. Likewise, we buy Powerball tickets in the improbable event that we will win.

In other words, we...

May 4, 2019

Why Are Insignificant Things So Significant?

Have you ever had the feeling that something about a buying experience didn’t feel right? Chances are if you did, you didn’t buy the product or service. Most times, how a purchase feels is a driver for our customer behavior.

This episode of The Intuitive Customer...