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The Intuitive Customer - Helping You Improve Your Customer Experience To Gain Growth

Feb 25, 2023

Time is our most valuable resource. It’s a resource that you aren’t able to get any more of,  no matter what you do, and you are losing more of it every second. 

When you look at it like that, asking people for their time a much bigger deal than you might have considered at first. Therefore, when you are spending it...

Feb 18, 2023

Price increases are part of today’s business environment. Unless you live on the moon, you are experiencing them from your suppliers, too, and will pass those on to your customers also. However, if you handle the price increase the wrong way, you will also likely be losing some of those customers, too. 

One of our...

Feb 11, 2023

How long does it take to choose a craft beer at a big box liquor store? Four hours. 

That’s what it felt like anyway. Why did it feel so long? Too many choices. In fact, when I was done, I needed a beer to recover from the exercise of choosing a beer. 

Of course, if there had only been a few, I would probably complain...

Feb 4, 2023

I have written seven books, countless articles, and tons of keynote speeches, not to mention thousands of emails. As a writer, through and through, I know how difficult it can be to stare at a blank screen watching that blinking cursor wondering where to start. 


But a new AI-powered chatbot might make my life a whole...